
Saturday, January 3, 2009

worst blogger ever

I am the worst blogger ever! It's just that everyone elses life seems to be more interesting than mine. But this is for my pour cousins who never get to see me and complained that they need to know about what's going on in my life, boring as it is. This is for you- you know who you are.
We had a wonderful Christmas. We managed to have some spiritual activities that really made us think about the true meaning of Christmas. At the ages my kids are now, it's fun to see them have so much fun. Of course, that's fun at any age right? One of the highlights for me was my little singing groups concert. They did so good and I was so proud of them! I have discovered that I really love teaching music. So, as long as I have kids who want to sing, I'll keep doing it! More later....


chelsea and Jeremy said...
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chelsea and Jeremy said...

Yay... Thanks Rach cant wait to hear (read) more

Anonymous said...

Yes...more later...

Angela said...

You're not a terrible blogger, just too sporadic. I'm sure it would be different if you didn't have to go to your in-laws to blog. :) I had fun with you at the Augers! Party on! I'm so proud of you, Jeff and your kids staying up that late with us.

Bryce and Jamie said...

I'm a horrible blogger too. Things just get way busy. But, we're glad to see that you guys are doing well. We're excited to see you at the next get-together.